April Aquino

I'm a F|


Becoming a developer takes more than just the ability to code. It takes hard work, dedication, passion, discipline, and ambition to elevate a skill into a career. These skills in combination with my growing knowledge of programming is why I have what it takes to be a good asset in any company.

Full-Stack Developer

I have 2 years of experience designing website on my own.

  • Website: www.aprilaquino.com
  • Phone: +1 (714) 747 5227
  • City: San Jose, CA
  • Email: aprilann.tan.aquino@gmail.com
  • School: CSU of East Bay
  • Degree: Bachelors
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Minor: Software Engineer

On top of being a fast learner, I can work in both individual and team environments.


Once you've learned one, you can learn them all. I can learn any programming language or framework. These are the ones i'm focusing on:

HTML 100%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 85%
JAVA 75%
MongoDB 75%
ReactJS 80%
NodeJS 90%
Bootstrap 80%
REST 90%
ExpressJS 75%



Well-qualified Full Stack Engineer familiar with wide range of programming utilities and languages. Knowledgeable of backend and frontend development requirements. Handles any part of process with ease. Collaborative team player with excellent technical abilities offering two years of related experience.


MODERN REACT BOOTCAMP (Hooks, Context, NextJS, Router)

DEC 2020 - MAR 2021


Learned React, from the very basics upto advanced topics like Nest JS, React Router, and Higher Order Components. Build application with complete drag & drop, animations, route transitions, complex form validations, and more.


JUN 2020 - SEPT 2020


Learned basics to advanced language and technologies including and not limited to HTML, CSS, JS, Node, Flexbox, AJAX, MongoDB and more.


2013 - 2018

California State University of East BAY

Analysis of Algorithms | Assembly Language Program | C++ Programming I, II, III | Computer Architecture | Data Communications and Networking | Data Structures and Algorithms | Database Architecture | Intro to Object Orientation Programming and Design | Intro to System Programming | Operating Systems | Software Engineering I | Software Engineering II | Software Testing and Quality Assurance | Web Site Development

Professional Experience

Software Operations

Waymo (Contract) | 2019 - Present

Mountain View, CA

  • Analyzing each scenarios and diagnosing the root cause of unexpected behavior of the software.
  • Determining the severity of each scenarios and escalating safety related issues to engineers in a fast and timely manner.
  • Consistently improving internal tools and techniques to enhanced overall accuracy.
  • Reviewing critical events, flagging problematic cases, and keeping track of the issues.
  • Understanding all guidelines and constantly looking for improvements.
  • As a Team Lead, mentoring junior associates in developing skills, and helping them prepare for certifications.
  • Collaborating and communicating regularly with team members as well as other department for a smooth workflows through out the day.

Web Developer


San Jose, CA

  • Designed, developed, and delivered an original product, leveraging ReactJS, HTML, and CSS to deliver a unique dynamic website and user interface with JavaScript.
  • Utilized more than 20 React components.
  • Developed an original version of Hangman, Yahtzee, Lights Out, and Color Game from scratch, implementing React events, and React state patterns.


Built with:

  • All
  • Games
  • ReactJS
  • Basic


Call or Email me. I am free to chat.


San Jose, CA


+1 (714) 747 - 5227

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